Friday 16 November 2018

Recreation Ground

Recreation Ground

Some people might think that now that we have our shiny new pavilion that there is not much left to do. But really we've only  just begun........... 
With the day-to-day running of a community facility and the enlarged recreation ground, along with the creation of the new bike track, the workload for the committee has stepped up a notch. The normal combined efforts of the 11 hard-working committee members often amounts to one full time person each week and we are fortunate in this village to have such a dedicated team of people continually working behind the scenes.I say this not to illicit praise, but to assure anyone who has commented or complained about how we run things or what we charge, that for every decision made, much time, thought and discussion has gone into making that decision. If we appear to be hard-nosed sometimes, it is because our bottom line is that we have to be financially viable to be able to offer the current facilities to the community and to make sure that we accumulate sufficient funds to renew and replace where necessary.

The pictures below are of a morning spent by committee members tasked with the responsibility of dismantling the 'condemned' play area. We did this with sadness, but the rotten posts that were revealed under the surface confirmed that the decision (following the ROSPA report) to take down rather than try a short term fix, was correct. The next big task will be a major fund raising push to replace the equipment and add to it.

There are ways you can help....
We are always on the lookout for new people willing to get involved on the committee.  As I have already said this is not just a 'sitting-in-meetings' role, all our committee members are very much hands-on.  If that's not for you, we would welcome occasional offers of help. If you are willing to go on a list and be called on from time to time to help with specific jobs, please let me know. It would be nice to have about 10 - 20 people who could be called on to help from time to time (subject to your availability of course). Already we know of two specific areas where we could do with some help either on a regular or occasional basis. 
Afternoon Teas - we run these every 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon. At the moment this is run by just one person, it doesn't usually need much more, but it would be nice if the load could be shared with other people prepared to go on a rota to help run it, either on a regular basis or to cover absences.
Sunday Family Socials - The one we ran a few weeks ago was such a success that we would like to run it a minimum of four times a year.  We've already had a couple of volunteers, but could do with half a dozen people willing to take the organisation of this on.  It would include; getting a bar license, organising some activities for the children, ordering/buying beer, etc and running the bar.
As a registered charity we also welcome any donations.

If you think you would like to help out in any way, please let me know on:

Coming soon..... Men's Sheds - If you are around this Saturday morning between 10 - 12, do pop up to the new pavilion to find out what that is all about.  It is aimed at retired and isolated men, but if we get enough interest we will be able to run a retired women's session too.
Following our recent survey, we've taken all your comments on board and are currently talking to potential instructors with a view to setting up some new activities in the pavilion including Art Classes, Dancing, Seated Exercise and Balance and Nordic Walking. We will keep you posted as we get things fixed.  
Also... work starts on the bike track in a couple of weeks and the phase-one mud track should be ready to ride the following week. Phase two will be completed early in the new year once we have determined that the bends and dips work and don't need any adjustments before the final surface goes on.




Wednesday 14 November 2018

Reminder: Men's Sheds Saturday 17th November

Saturday 17th November 10am to 12pm in the New Pavilion, Radwinter Recreation Ground

Even if you are not a 65+ man, do come and have tea, coffee, cake and a chat to find out more about the Men’s Shed project and how it can benefit the community.

New Radwinter ‘Men’s Shed’ Open Event

We are pleased to announce that the old cricket pavilion at the Radwinter recreation ground has been made available to the Essex Shed Network, in order to establish a Community Men’s Shed in this area of Uttlesford.

A Men’s Shed project is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests, with a high degree of autonomy. A Men’s Shed offers this to a group of such men, where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue.

We are holding an open event on Saturday the 17th of November 2018 between 10am to 12pm for any men 65 years plus who would be interested in becoming members of this exciting project.

We will be available to talk with you about the Shed Project, tea, coffee and cake will also be provided.

We look forward to meeting you

Clive Emmett CEO

The Council for Voluntary Service Uttlesford

01371 878400


Monday 5 November 2018

Men's Shed - Radwinter


New Radwinter ‘Men’s Shed’ Open Event

We are pleased to announce that the old cricket pavilion at the Radwinter recreation ground has been made available to the Essex Shed Network, in order to establish a Community Men’s Shed in this area of Uttlesford.

A Men’s Shed project is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests, with a high degree of autonomy. A Men’s Shed offers this to a group of such men, where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly and inclusive venue.

We are holding an open event on Saturday the 17th of November 2018 between 10am to 12pm for any men 65 years plus who would be interested in becoming members of this exciting project.

We will be available to talk with you about the Shed Project, tea, coffee and cake will also be provided.

We look forward to meeting you

Clive Emmett CEO

The Council for Voluntary Service Uttlesford

01371 878400